viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

Hoy día, cuando el trabajo escasea y los desheredados se pelean por las migajas de la sociedad post-industrial, conseguir un puesto de trabajo se torna misión casi imposible. Para colmo, cuando surge una vacante en cualquier lugar, los malvados encargados de recursos humanos se encargan de ponerte todas las trabas posibles para que caigas en el desanimo y te autodescartes con el menor esfuerzo posible por su parte. En uno de esos procesos de selección, tuve que redactar un pequeño texto en inglés sobre un juego de mi elección. Aquí lo dejo, por aquello de rellenar.

Everyone has a place to go back when we are worried about our everyday problems, a place associated with our childhood, with good times plenty of imagination and fun, like a house in the tree, the park where we got the first kiss, a book that taught us how to dream, or, why not?, a video game. Terranigma is one of those places. Apart from that is an action RPG for Super Nintendo, developed by the Japanese company Quintet in 1996 and distributed by Enix, shortly before it merged with Square Soft.

Terranigma is not only the story of Ark, a naughty boy who lives in the village of Krysta, whose curiosity causes that his neighbors and friends are turned into statues of glass, is an experience that remains in the memory of those who play the game by their precious graphics and evocative melodies.
To save his people, Ark must leave the safety of his home and get into a world dominated by five inhospitable towers hiding a big secret: the resurrection of the planet Earth. Defeat the enemies that rule over each tower, cause the rise of a new continent. In his fight for the lifes of his friends, Ark discover that the fate of the humanity is in his hands. He will understand that the goal is no longer to find a solution for his people, but to help the human race to take his place on the planet.

Terranigma is a classic rpg where the level of Ark will be increased by killing a huge variety of enemies: wild animals, ghosts, soldiers, witches, golems... We can improve our equipment and our skills with better weapons that we will find in some dungeons, health and magic potions, magic rings to summon flames and beams of light and a myriad of items that will help us survive the vast maps that make up this adventure.

It takes SNES hardware to its limits with detailed graphics inspired in japanese comics and the use of Mode 7 in the open worlds that offers a false feeling of depth in them.

It is not a difficult game. An Experienced player can complete it without die a single time. Maybe it is not a challenge but it does not matter. While you are playing it, youwill feel inside a tale where you choose the end. Enjoy an absorbent story and a vibrating soundtrack that will make you dream with a world where the magic is the king and the dreams come true. Enjoy Terranigma.

De azul cristal es el cielo

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